What exactly is the 30 February?
The 30 February is a massive private held event where also you are invited to participate by joining the events on the event dates in the event countries. But as there is no such a date as The 30. February and if your business performance allows to treat your team with something unforgettable and extraordinary - consider The30February Experience possible anytime!


At the event you will be seated by the tables in a large hall and will be constantly entertained by the smooth jazzy dubby music with ongoing lectures mixed with live performances on some music instruments by Martins Ate himself.
In this playful manner during one day you will get a brief introduction on what is Enlightenment is and how to achieve it. Introduction into Ancient Vedic Philosophy of Happiness, Vedic Mindsets, Vedic Practical Cooking Class with ending up on Vegetarian Dinner based on what we cooked, Introduction Into Vedic Culinary, Yoga & Meditation, drinking of Ayurvedic Chai during the break time, Questions & Answers time on How To Be Happy with unforgivable Meditation on Happiness.

What Could You Do in The 30 February?
The Best thing to do when you attend or organize yourself The30February event - is to wish to Grow together with understanding of The Truth. The purpose of yoga is to still the mind so that we can access the happiness within. There are very authoritative and worldwide recognized scriptures thousands of years old warning us that if we do not do this, we will identify with the rampant thoughts of our minds instead of experiencing our true essence. And as The30February can happen any time is convenient for you to happen with a good timing for your team - The30February can happen as soon as possible - and you can allow yourself and your team experience the knowledge of the past secrets for the happiest future!

What is The Main Reason To Celebrate The 30 February?
The30February could be the day your Happiness begins! Actually there is no such a date as a 30 February so that is why we decided to call it a day of self-realization- it's just never on a list! Would you want to have one? Because Your Happiness Can Start Right Now! So Lets celebrate That!

How You and Your Office Could Benefit From The 30 February Festival?
By Participating in The30February Festival you will find out 3 essential things about 1) Yoga; 2) Food 3) Happiness - and that's all like in mega fast knowledge passing class of one day!

The primary goal yoga practice is not to master the most difficult poses, though we all would like to achieve perfect alignment. The true purpose of yoga is to access the connectedness, the oneness within. It does take a bit of practice to quiet the constant stream of thoughts so that we can get a glimpse of that peaceful inner place. We use the breath as the bridge from the mind to the body, and the poses are the vehicles that take us from the body to the heart space, that’s if we do them with a sense of inner directedness. I invite you to make sure your yoga is more about tapping internal wealth than efforting to achieve external feats. the purpose of yoga is to still the mind so that we can access the joy within. They warn that if we do not do this, we will identify with the rampant thoughts of our minds instead of experiencing our true essence.

In Vedic tradition eating food is a very sacred affair. It isa form of fire worship (yajna) in which food is offered to the divine fire present within every being’s stomach as ‘Vaishvanara’ – “Becoming the fire of life I dwell in the bodies of all living creatures.” (Bhagavad Gita 15.14) With this awareness the daily intake of our meals becomes a form of meditation and worship of light. Our food becomes sacred and sanctified as an offering to the omnipresent divinity residing within each one of us. The Maharshis of the Krishna Yajur Veda (Taittiriya Upanishad 3.2) realized that “Food is Brahman (a manifestation of the Supreme Life Force).” Our life completely depends on it. Therefore, we should consume our food with respect, awareness and mindfulness, and ideally, in silence.

Every good and noble deed leaves a subliminal impression (samskara) in the mind, the collection of which gives rise to the kind of human nature, inclination and interest which creates favorable circumstances under which the pleasant result or fruit of that good deed can be enjoyed. However, most good deeds give rise to pleasant experiences in which the experienced pleasure is momentary because it is dependent on the senses and the sense-objects. Pleasant experiences dependent on the contact of the senses with the sense-objects are momentary and constantly increase or decrease in their intensity like the light of the moon. The secret key to transcend momentary experiences of pleasure and to reach the inner everlasting source of bliss is to constantly perform good and noble deeds, but without a desire for their fruits.
Lessons given by the Satya Projects founder Martins Ate are based on Ayurveda knowledge found in Mahabharatha, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Sushruta Samhita, Charaka Samhita and many other important texts especially Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
As an often visitor to India Martins believes that many people who goes there and stays are happier than back in their countries for many reasons but probably one of them is because something of what West has lost and can't afford anymore to humanity. So alternative is India and probably few of us wish to view what once India could have had offer for Happiness through deeper interest on values offered to humanity by it's rich cultural and religious heritage.

So briefly these lessons and the benefit of them cant be described better than this Ayurveda motto:

“May everyone by happy. 
May everyone be free of infirmity
and be strong and healthy.
May everyone care for the well being of others 
and I too want to bring goodness to others.
May no one know any suffering
May no one have any suffering.”

Lesson Purpose: Explain How to Live Happy Life

This lesson will give a brief introduction on what is ayurveda and how it can help you answer many questions you might have regarding your life and life you have seen around.
- Happy Life Science
In this lection we will see what is happiness and explain about what its coming from and where it's going to. Generally there are three types of happiness: 1) to give 2) to want 3) to take. And there is a whole science about it! :)
- Balanced and harmonious life
Ayurveda as many other ancient scriptures and philosophers has cared a lot about making balance in life. This lecture will take a brief introduction about Ayurveda medicine, benefits of it and usage.
- Healthy body diet
This lecture will explain our bodies time clock and fuel to fill it up with which keeping up with automatically is solving many future complications
- Healthy Mind diet
This lecture will explain about what is mind and its functions, how its guiding our choices and other ways.
- Healthy Consciousness diet
This lesson will explain about our consciousness, our True Ego and benefits of meditations and yoga practices.
- Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha
This will explain the basic principles of Ayurveda about 4 cornerstones of a happy life and what all these future lectures will be about.


- Purpose of life by Ramayana
We will read some parts of Hindu epic story Ramayana and go through the things they had experienced with comparison to our daily life.
- Duties of man and woman
Here will be explain the main differences between man and woman which are not visible by our eyes. The nature of love and life forms will be explained.
- 25 Good qualities of man
leadership, bravery, honestly, etc.
- 25 Good qualities of woman
good hearten, kindness, cleanness, etc 

- What kind of work one should do
Explanation about general work and different kinds of professions what people are doing and then how the life goes.
- How to choose profession
Choice of profession, where to study further
- How to do your work
General attitude in life which maintained towards your work space will make a smoother way for general success in it.

- Love, 7 types of love
Not everyone of us is thinking about what energy dominates when we fall in love. It is easy to get burn especially when young with your "first love". Here a bit information about on what principles people should think first before falling in love.
- Relationships
Purpose of relationships, differences between long term relationships. What scriptures are recommending for happiness in them.
- Differences in perceptions of man and woman
Different ego, different energy centers, different interests of getting the daily happiness from.

- God
So many religions and even more gods. So is there is a god or its just a god god with a white beard in the sky who says all woman on earth to dress in black.
- Thin body
Something we can't see and our current science has not developed measurement instruments for yet
- meditation
What is a meditation, how to do it and where does it leads.
- mantras
Introduction in different exercises for your mind to be set
- yoga
Introduction of yoga, its purpose and way of doing it
- religions
Introductions in the history of existing religions

Patanjali defines yoga as having eight components (अष्टाङ्ग aṣṭ āṅga, "eight limbs"): "The eight limbs of yoga are 
- yama (abstinences), 
- niyama (observances), 
- asana (yoga postures), 
- pranayama (breath control), 
- pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), 
- dharana (concentration), 
- dhyana (meditation) and 
- samadhi (absorption)."